fbpx Clue Norge AS | Norway’s most used dictionary

Try Clue for free

Clue covers both general and technical language. This is a dictionary for everyone. Use it at work, at school, at home, or on vacation.
Try Clue Premium, we give you 20 entries for free.

Dictionaries in 11 languages

Monolingual dictionaries are included.

English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.

Available anywhere, anytime

Clue is compatible with all units.

Use the dictionary on a PC, Mac, in a browser or as an iOS og Android app.

The Clue dictionary is a digital language tool that covers legal, financial, engineering and medical terminology. Clue is updated on an ongoing basis in cooperation with the business sector, the academic community and many of our linguistically competent users both nationally and internationally.

Focus on technical language https://clue.no/sites/default/files/shutterstock_646064452_0.jpg

A living and functional digital dictionary that includes both technical and general language, and can be used by anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge. Clue is accessible anywhere at any time.

General usage https://clue.no/sites/default/files/shutterstock_532254430.jpg

Get access to Clue today!

We have used Clue since 2008 and are very pleased with the product. All employees have access to Clue and we now use the tool regularly when writing documents, e-mails and reports.
Stig J. Ribe
Multivac AS

Clue digital dictionaries are quick and easy to use. I use Clue every day and have become completely dependent on it. Clue is particularly useful when we are writing agreements in English.

Mathias Tveten
Adv.firma Ro Sommernes

The legal terminology is comprehensive and relevant, and full and varied translations are always given. In my work with international cases, I always use Clue’s digital dictionary, particularly when editing agreements and in formal correspondence. The dictionary is quick and easy to use.

Christoffer Nicolaysen
Deloitte Advokatfirma DA
After trying similar software for a few years, Vestland Management has now decided to go back to using Clue. Our users felt that the functionality, user friendliness and content were all better in Clue than in similar software by competitors. The users missed Clue, and the other software they tried was not integrated into the working day as effectively as Clue. The decision to go back to Clue was therefore an easy one to make!
Joar Epland
Vestland Management

The main reason we chose Clue was the simple and clean design of Clue Online. We also thought the translations and examples from the dictionaries were good. Here you were quite simply better than your competitors.


Rune Pedersen
Eigersund local authority